Free huge gay men cum shots

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He was working in porn from 1994 all the way up until 2014. The themes of the movies he was in were right up my alley. So it’s probably not a surprise that I recognize several of the scenes in this compilation. I love muscle guys, jocks, college dude themes, straight guys, big dicks, and huge cum shots. I have a lot of interests when it comes to porn. You might also like: Barrett Long Shares His Huge Uncut Cock With 2 Lucky Boys! He’s famous for his cum explosions, and there’s a lot on this compilation to enjoy. He’s not the only one who uses that name in gay porn, but thanks to his big cock and huge cum shots no one else can pretend to be him.Įven if you don’t know who he is you’ve probably seen his big dick slinging that cream. If a performer can get by on just one name you know they’re big.Ĭher, Madonna, Zendaya… if you’ve cut down your persona and can be recognized with just one word then it’s fair to say you’ve made it in your field, right?

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You’re gonna want to see this compilation if you love big dicks and messy spooge loads!Ĭast list: Billy Herrington, Brad Davis, Cody Tyler, Dean Phoenix, Emilio Sands, Javier Duran, Sam Dixon, Spike, Tyler Zane, Zach Richards Even if you don’t know, you’ve definitely seen this jock dude and his big meat spurting off huge cum shots.

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